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Better Performance Assessment

Better Performance Assessment

This tool has been designed to help you develop a deeper understanding of your performance approach. After completing this self-assessment, you'll receive a personalised report to help you discover opportunities to create world-class outcomes in a way that is meaningful and sustainable.

I am actively seeking a balanced approach to create a sustainable high-performance lifestyle

I have successfully adopted a mindset approach to make sustainable high-performance lifestyle choices a priority

I feel highly motivated every day

I know why I am looking for a life of sustainable high performance

I understand the value of sustainable high performance for myself

I understand the value this creates for others

I am crystal clear on the vision that drives my performance and my life

I have broken this vision into small meaningful goals

I have a ritual / routine that I follow every day that helps me achieve these goals

I know how I want to experience sustainable high performance and what it feels like

My behaviours are grounded in positive intentions for myself

My behaviours are centred around positive intentions for others

I know what I need to pull back from and act on that without hesitation

I intentionally remove distractions to lean into mentally challenging activities

I have the physical energy to dig deep when I need to

I actively step outside of my comfort zone in order to grow

I invest in continual education in order to grow

I create and implement new ideas from what I learn

I approach my search for sustainable high performance as a series of experiments and an opportunity to grow

I prioritise rest as part of my performance approach

I have an active recovery plan as part of my performance approach

I am intentional about how I refuel my body, my mind and my spirit

I am consciously aware of the barriers that create friction and prevent me from growing

I understand that personal growth is a challenging choice and necessary for sustainable success

I have the energy I need to focus on being better every day

I let go of performance expectations in order to progress

I consistently track my progress to keep me on the right path

I consciously celebrate meaningful progress as part of my performance process

I am committed to my personal journey

I am willing to share my experience with others so that they can grow

I choose to live, lead and perform without compromise

I stand up for what is important

Thank you for taking the time to complete this self-assessment. I hope this report serves as a valuable tool when building the awareness you need to kick-start your journey to ‘better’.

Please enter your details below to download your personalised report.

If you would like me to get in contact with you about any of the ways I can help you or your leadership teams, please let me know here.