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Better Leader Assessment

Better Leader Assessment

This tool has been designed to help you develop a deeper understanding of your leadership approach. After completing this self-assessment, you'll receive a personalised report to help you explore potential areas that will support you to be a better leader.

I know what I expect of myself as a leader

I know what I expect of others

I know what others expect of me

I am committed to daily self-improvement

I believe in and support the development of others

I approach the search for clarity as a healthy challenge

I see clarity as something to consistently work towards

I gain clarity through making the complex simple

I am able to remain grounded every day

I am able to centre myself whenever I choose

I feel empowered to make difficult decisions

I understand my own needs

I understand the needs of others

I believe that compassion is vital to leadership effectiveness

I have clear sense of purpose and meaning that defines why I lead

I am actively redefining and realigning my leadership purpose to guide how I lead

I am willing to stand up for my leadership purpose even if it means standing out

I am fully present and in the moment every day

I am aware of how I show up and the influence this has on others

I am aware of how others show up and the influence this has on me

I seek out feedback as a way to improve

I seek out different and alternative perspectives to increase choice and make better decisions

I adopt different perspectives based on feedback and information from other sources

I trust in myself as a leader

I trust and see the potential in others

I build rapport with everyone I meet

I am confident in myself as a leader

I am confident in others as leaders

I build confidence in others every day

My thoughts about myself as a leader support me in becoming better

I express my emotions and vulnerabilities as a leader

I include my head, heart and gut instincts when making leadership decisions

My thoughts, emotions and feelings allow me to lead without compromising what is important

Thank you for taking the time to complete this self-assessment. I hope this report serves as a valuable tool when building the awareness you need to kick-start your journey to ‘better’.

Please enter your details below to download your personalised report.

If you would like me to get in contact with you about any of the ways I can help you or your leadership teams, please let me know here.